
month 9

Month 9 (weeks 36-40)

You’re really close to the end now, and it’s more than likely you’re ready for this pregnancy…


Month 8 (weeks 32-35)

By now you may be feeling impatient for pregnancy to be over, but there’s still a bit…

month 7

Month 7 (weeks 28-31)

You’re now officially in the third trimester, and on the home stretch of pregnancy! You might not…

month 6

Month 6 (weeks 22-27)

Pregnancy has likely become very real to you now, with your growing belly, the sensation of regular…

month 5

Month 5 (weeks 18-22)

This month, your energy should continue to increase, although you may also have a few more aches…

month 4

Month 4 (weeks 14-17)

Welcome to the second trimester, also known as the “golden zone” of pregnancy, because everything should get…

Nappies 101

Nappies 101

One of the less-savoury but necessary parts of new parenting is learning how to become a nappy-changing pro

getting to know your newbord: the first two weeks

The first two weeks

Following birth, there is a huge shift in a new mother’s hormone levels. Some levels increase with…

getting to know your newborn: the first month

The first month

By one month, the sleep deprivation has really kicked in, and you probably feel like the night wakings are never going to end. It will get easier as your baby establishes a feeding and sleeping pattern.

The first stage

The first stage of labour is the longest stage, lasting six to 36 hours! Within this, there are three separate stages

ready set push: the second stage

The second stage

When your cervix is fully dilated to 10cm, and you feel the urge to push, you’ve entered the second stage of labour


Month 1

Wow, you’re pregnant – congratulations!

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