Lentil, haloumi and herb salad

The haloumi brings a wonderful savoury saltiness to this salad, but if you want to save a little time you can substitute ricotta salata (salted ricotta) – or even just some good-quality fresh ricotta.


50 g (1¾ oz) slice of haloumi, fried in hot oil for 3 minutes, cubed

150 g (5½ oz/⅔ cup) drained tinned brown lentils

1 tomato, diced

handful each of mint, parsley and coriander (cilantro), chopped

Lemon and Cumin dressing

juice of ½ lemon

1 teaspoon ground cumin

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


  1. Toss the salad ingredients together, then tip into your lunchbox.
  1. Combine the dressing ingredients in a small jar or container with a tightfitting lid.
  1. Pour the dressing over the salad just before serving and toss well.

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