A yummy, nutritious breakfast perfect for pregnancy.
Makes 2 serves
Time 15 minutes plus setting and freezing (optional)
Chia layer
¾ cup (185 g) pumpkin purée*
2 Tbsp coconut cream**
juice of 2 oranges
1 Tbsp grated fresh ginger
2 pinches of cayenne pepper
6 drops of vanilla extract
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
6 handfuls of chia seeds
Matcha layer
6 Tbsp coconut cream**
4 Tbsp rice syrup
1 tsp matcha green tea powder
30 drops of vanilla extract
Make the chia layer by mixing the pumpkin purée, coconut cream, orange juice, grated ginger, cayenne and vanilla in a food processor. Let the motor run while you slowly add the olive oil until you have a smooth liquid. Pour into a bowl and add the chia seeds. Stir the seeds carefully into the liquid with a spoon or spatula so that they are fully covered and do not stick together. Spoon the pudding into 2 glasses or bowls and set aside for at least an hour or overnight.
Make the matcha layer by whisking the coconut cream, rice syrup, matcha powder and vanilla in a bowl to make a beautiful creamy mixture. Pour over the pumpkin-chia layer, then leave in the freezer for 30 minutes to make firmer. Don’t have the time? Skip this stage and serve the pudding immediately.
TIP For a completely raw version, use pumpkin juice, raw coconut cream, a vanilla bean and a natural liquid sweetener.
* You can buy pumpkin purée or make it yourself by baking chopped pumpkin for 30–40 minutes in a 190°C (375°F) oven and then mashing.
** I use the solid parts of a BPA-free tin of coconut milk.
Extracted with permission from Vegan by Kyra de Vreeze, published by Murdoch Books, distributed by Allen & Unwin, RRP $27.99
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