Eight day old embryo in uterus. The blastocyst (now comprising some 200 cells) secretes a mucus (blue) that proclaims its presence in the uterus.

Week 1-2


The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, and although you’re not actually pregnant for approximately the first two weeks of your pregnancy, your body has started to prepare for the event. The egg is ripening and the uterus is getting ready to receive the baby.


The closer the two of you are, the more you’ll be able to share the experience of pregnancy and birth, so here’s some science for starters. Around week two of the pregnancy chart, the egg (ovum) leaves the ovary and travels into the fallopian tubes, where it meets your sperm and gets fertilised. From there the fertilised egg travels through the fallopian tubes and into the uterus, where implantation occurs. Bet you thought it was a lot simpler than that …


At first, you are just a twinkle in your parents’ eye. Sometime during these first two weeks you stop being part egg and part seed, and become a zygote – it’s a funny word from the Greek language that means “to join”. You are half Mum and half Dad. Beautiful, isn’t it?

Things to keep in mind 

  • Even in pre-conception, you might want to take the time to build self-care habits. Mental and physical health are equally important for a healthy pregnancy. Reduce your caffeine intake and stay away from smoking and drinking. It’s never too late to start healthying up your lifestyle by assessing the foods you eat and ensuring you get at least some physical activity in each day.
  • Ask your health practitioner about the medications or supplements you are taking and how they might affect your fertility and pregnancy. 
  • Take a prenatal vitamin and folic acid daily. 
  • Make sure you’re getting enough rest.
  • Identify your social support system.
  • Track your cycle to pinpoint your most fertile days.
  • Pay attention to your body, and look for signs of increased fertility.

Photos in the bumpandbaby.co.nz/week-by-week/ are by Lenart Nilsson. Lenart's series was bought to fame when his photo, considered the greatest photo of the 20th century, appeared on the cover of Life magazine in 1965. “Everyone interprets images differently, depending on their social, cultural and religious background. In the digital era, I believe it is more important than ever to go back and take a look inside ourselves. What better way of doing that than with these photos?” ~ Jane Stene, art gallery director and curator of Lenart's definitive black and white series, told the The Guardian in 2019. It is Lenart Nilsson's wish that his images are never used for political debate about pro-life.


Lernart Nilsson's foetus series featured in our week by week, is considered the greatest photography of the 20th Century. You may be surprised at the incredible detail seen in his photos.

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