Do you know how to spot the signs of preterm labour? No need to panic, it’s just that you’ll probably sleep better if you have an emergency plan. Contact your LMC straight away if you notice any of the following: Your waters breaking (you will notice a gush of fluid coming out of your vagina), vaginal bleeding, mucus discharge, abdominal cramps, regular contractions (not to be confused with Braxton Hicks contractions or practice contractions which can be uncomfortable but do not become progressively stronger and increasingly painful).
Speak to your LMC about your birth plan: Home birth, birthing centre or hospital; your preference as to pain relief; water birth; induced or natural, placenta delivery; whether you want your baby to be washed before being presented to you; what to do with the placenta and umbilical cord.
Pain is a part of childbirth, both during the early stage of labour when the cervix is dilating, as well as while pushing the baby through the birthing canal. No two women will experience labour pain the same way. Everybody has a different pain threshold and their own way of coping. It is important to understand your options and remain flexible about your choices for managing your pain during labour. Some less invasive and more natural pain relief methods include birthing water pool or a warm bath, TENS machine (not to be used in water), acupuncture, massage, breathing techniques, hypnosis, acupressure, heat packs, movement, upright positions, music, aromatherapy, homeopathy. Other methods involve breathing in entonox (a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, often called laughing gas), an injection of pethidine (a narcotic related to morphine), or an epidural.
It’s all right to change the birth plan at any stage during your pregnancy or labour.
Have you given any serious thought to child care? While at times it may seem incredible that there’s going to be a baby at the end of this process, it’s time to do some planning. Will one of you stay at home to look after the baby, or will you both go back to work? If it’s the latter, there’s more thinking to do, and the choices are plentiful: Day care centre, nanny, live-in au pair, or family member.
Your total length is 35cm, like that of a spring onion. You keep on gaining fat, which is an awesome thing to do between now and when you get born. If you’re a boy, your testicles have begun their journey into your scrotum … you didn’t really want to know that, did you?
Things to keep in mind
- Revisit your birth plan to see if you need to make any changes. As you go through your pregnancy, you’ll speak to different people with different professional and anecdotal advice and become more well informed about what things you do, and don’t want for your labour and birth.
- Your baby shower is probably coming up, or you may have already started receiving little gifts for you and your baby! This can be super exciting, but you will find that some very well meaning friends and relatives are not very gift savvy when it comes to infants, so be sure to check that everything is safe for baby.
Photos in the are by Lenart Nilsson. Lenart's series was bought to fame when his photo, considered the greatest photo of the 20th century, appeared on the cover of Life magazine in 1965. “Everyone interprets images differently, depending on their social, cultural and religious background. In the digital era, I believe it is more important than ever to go back and take a look inside ourselves. What better way of doing that than with these photos?” ~ Jane Stene, art gallery director and curator of Lenart's definitive black and white series, told the The Guardian in 2019. It is Lenart Nilsson's wish that his images are never used for political debate about pro-life.