The world’s most amazing birth photography announced. Prepare to be blown away!

The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers is proud to announce the winners of the 2020 Birth Photography Image Competition, and they are truly incredible. Remember, while birth is beautiful, it is also messy and real. You should expect nudity when viewing the entries (and scroll right to the end so you don’t miss out on Australian Dania Watson’s dramatic entry)

Overall winner

“A moment of silence” by Jessica Vink of the Netherlands

Members choice first place

“Ring of Fire” by Katie Torres from the United States

Best in birth details

“Baby Noah Empelicado” by Jana Brasil of Brazil

Best in Fresh 48

“Denial” by Natalie Zepp of the United States

“Her Cup Runneth Over…” by Martha Learner of the United States (below)

Best in delivery

“Unmasking The Many Layers Of Birth” by Alexandria Mooney of the United States

Best in labour

“Morning Light Creeps In” by Shea Long of Canada

“I am a Birthing Goddess” by Sophia Costa of the United States (below)

Honourable mentions

“Unplanned, Furious and Free” by Bree Garcia of the United States 

“Milagre Da Vida” by Jana Brasil of Brazil (below)

“Breech” by Cindy Willems of the Netherlands (below)

“Reactions” by Paulina Splechta of the United States (below)

“A Dramatic Entrance” by Dania Watson of Australia (below)

There are even more winners of the 2020 Birth Photography Image competition that’ll knock your socks off here

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