Human foetus at 15 weeks. This was the first portrait ever taken of a living foetus inside its mothers womb. Published in Life Magazine in April 1965.

Week 15


Is it too early for baby names? Here’s a hint: It’s never too early for baby names. Perhaps you have chosen one already, ever since your second date, but chances are, now that the baby is a person – sort of – he or she may be giving you all sorts of signals as to whether the name you have in mind is in fact suitable. For real!

There are baby name books, baby name websites, and baby name apps that offer suggestions and explain the meaning and origin of each name. There are even websites that show you how to create your own, totally unique, name for your baby: You can change the spelling of an existing name, combine two or more existing names, or concoct something with hyphens.


This week may be a good week to think about your lifestyle. It’s probably busy, like everybody else’s, and you probably don’t mind. It’s a lifestyle for a couple though, so try to fit a baby into the mix and see whether it all stacks up. If your job requires long hours or frequent travel, you might think about what changes you’d like to make to be able to spend time with your family. Putting the wheels in motion now will give everybody plenty of time to plan and adapt. Ideally, you might want to make the changes happen a few weeks before the due date so that you can spend more time relaxing with your partner before “baby makes three”.


Fifteen weeks and counting! You are as big as a small apple, can move your arms and legs, and … I know it sounds a bit weird … you spend your time breathing the amniotic fluid (the warm bath you’re swimming in) right into your nose and lungs. Don’t freak out though, you can’t drown, because you’re getting your oxygen from – where? That’s right, from the same person who feeds you and gets rid of your poo: Mum. Get used to it – even though she’ll stop breathing for you when you enter the world, she’ll continue to feed you and deal with your poo for years to come. Your skin remains supple, but your little skeleton is starting to ossify – a fancy word for ‘turn to bone.’ You’re also starting to sprout some fuzz, and now have tiny little eyebrows. 

Your eyes are starting to move from side to side, and while your eyelids are still closed, you can sense light; if those pesky parents happen to shine a torch directly onto you, you’ll move away unless you happen to be asleep.

Things to keep in mind 

  • Dental health is especially important during pregnancy. Changes in your mouth and gums can lead to pregnancy gingivitis and can progress to a more dangerous condition called periodontitis.
  • Begin tracking your weight to be sure you gain enough, but not too much. Eat healthy, balanced meals to get the nutrients you need. Get regular exercise.
  • At the same time, be sure to still find time to rest, snuggle up on the couch to watch a a movie, read a book, listen to a podcast or to literally just take a nap.
  • Speaking of rest…your baby is now beginning to put pressure on your inferior vena cava blood vessel so we suggest you begin to sleep on your side. A pregnancy pillow can help with this and also provide some general confort.

Photos in the are by Lenart Nilsson. Lenart's series was bought to fame when his photo, considered the greatest photo of the 20th century, appeared on the cover of Life magazine in 1965. “Everyone interprets images differently, depending on their social, cultural and religious background. In the digital era, I believe it is more important than ever to go back and take a look inside ourselves. What better way of doing that than with these photos?” ~ Jane Stene, art gallery director and curator of Lenart's definitive black and white series, told the The Guardian in 2019. It is Lenart Nilsson's wish that his images are never used for political debate about pro-life.


Lernart Nilsson's foetus series featured in our week by week, is considered the greatest photography of the 20th Century. You may be surprised at the incredible detail seen in his photos.

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