
Birth: The first 24 hours

The birth of a new baby is extraordinary, but can be a completely overwhelming time in your life.

What can you do about stretch marks?

What can you do about stretch marks?

Loathe them, embrace them, or be lucky enough to escape them altogether: Stretch marks are just one of the rites of passage many women will face during their pregnancy

Pink or blue

Pink or blue

While we make no claims about the accuracy or legitimacy of these pregnancy-related old wives’ tales, myths, and legends, they sure are fun to put to the test!

10 ways to soothe stitches

10 ways to soothe stitches

“A tear down there” is feared by many mums-to-be, but stitches of the perineum are common after childbirth, and usually heal well

5 weird (but normal!) things about newborns

Newborns are cute, cuddly, and oh-so-soft – everything you may have pictured. But there are some downright strange things you may experience with your newborn, that the books either didn’t mention or glossed over.

A wonderful first-time birth

When people ask me about my birth story, I always tell them not to let other people’s horror stories put them off

10 pregnancy facts

From why twins could in fact be half-brothers or half-sisters, to why you need to monitor your baby’s movements … here are 10 facts about pregnancy you need to know!

Folic acid

It’s vital to understand the importance of regular folic acid intake both before and during pregnancy

Preparing for a new baby

Sometimes during your pregnancy you may not have the energy, but you won’t regret it if you take a tip from the Boy Scouts and BE PREPARED

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