
The whole nine months of pregnancy explained! Find out about choosing a midwife, pregnancy health, morning sickness, exercise during pregnancy, what’s safe to eat, your growing bump, your baby’s movements, and preparing for baby.

Myth or fact?

When it comes to baby-making old wives’ tales, it’s hard to separate fact from fiction

40 weeks, 40 tips

From Week One (when you won’t even know you’re pregnant!) right through to Week 40, here are useful tips and advice for every stage of pregnancy.

Ask us anything

To help you uncover some of the more awkward mysteries of pregnancy and childbirth, here are the answers to some of the questions you’ve be dying to ask us but didn’t know how.

The question about forgetfulness

While a number of women — like my friend — complain that pregnancy has made them more forgetful than usual, the research on this topic is mixed.

A Stronger Sense Of Smell is One Of The Earliest Signs!

According to many women, a heightened sense of smell, called hyperosmia, is one of their earliest signs of pregnancy. Although anecdotes of hyperosmia have existed for a century, scientific literature on the topic is sparse.

Morning Sickness. Why?

More than half — perhaps even up to 90% — of pregnant women experience nausea or vomiting to some degree, particularly in the morning.

pregnant brain

Your Pregnant Brain: Part 1

What happens to your brain when you’re pregnant? Jordan Gaines Lewis, a Neuroscience Doctoral Candidate at Pennsylvania State University, talks about morning sickness, “pregnancy nose”, and the dreaded mummy brain.

Gender reveal ideas

Revealing the gender of your baby to your family and friends can be a really fun event (deep down, don’t we all love to be the bearer of a little secret!).

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